Our Staff

Our strength lies in our individuality.

Terrance Lynch

Head Golf Coach

Frank Ramirez

Assistant Golf Coach

Terrance Lynch, a distinguished physical education teacher at CHS, brings a wealth of coaching experience to his role as the coach for both the girls' and boys' golf teams. For the past eleven years, Lynch has guided the golf program to remarkable achievements, following a 22-year tenure as the revered football team coach. His journey into coaching began with a focus on football, but a newfound passion for the sport of golf led him to take the reins of the program.

Lynch, renowned for his close rapport with his players, emphasizes that the girls' and boys' golf teams comprise exceptional, well-rounded individuals, fostering a laid-back and supportive environment. His profound passion for golf is palpable, and he channels this love for the sport into nurturing the talents of aspiring athletes. Recognizing the significance of team camaraderie in a smaller setting, Lynch eagerly embraces the opportunity to coach his student-athletes, viewing it as a chance to further his teaching career through his deep-seated affection for golf and student development.

With a tenure at CHS spanning 22 years of football and eleven years of golf, Lynch's impact is poised to further shape the legacy of the golf program at CHS.

Frank Ramirez, a dedicated member of the Claremont High School community for 27 years, serves as an Assistive Technology Specialist, aiding students in accessing educational resources. Alongside his commitment to fostering inclusive learning environments, Ramirez extends his passion for mentorship onto the greens as the Assistant Coach for both the boys' and girls' golf teams.

For a decade, Ramirez has been an integral part of the boys' golf team, channeling his expertise to refine their techniques and elevate their game. His steadfast dedication extends to six years with the girls' team, where he imparts invaluable skills and insights to aspiring golfers.

Ramirez's coaching philosophy centers on the intricacies of the short game, recognizing its pivotal role in enhancing players' performance and lowering scores. With a focus on precision and finesse, he guides students through drills and strategies aimed at mastering the art of the short game.

Beyond the fairways, Ramirez's unwavering support and encouragement inspire student-athletes to strive for excellence both on and off the course. His commitment to nurturing talent and instilling a love for the sport resonates deeply within the Claremont High School golf community.

Brian Sosnovsky

Assistant Golf Coach

Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a culture of excellence, sportsmanship, and teamwork. We aim to create an environment where each player can unlock their full potential and develop a deep passion for the game. Our team will prioritize skill development, strategic thinking, and disciplined practice to ensure continuous improvement. We envision a group of dedicated athletes who support and encourage one another, both on and off the course. By instilling values of respect, integrity, and perseverance, we aspire to not only achieve success on the golf course but also in life. Our ultimate goal is to produce well-rounded individuals who embrace challenges, exhibit resilience, and demonstrate leadership qualities. Together, we will strive for greatness and leave a lasting legacy within the realm of WolfPack golf.

Our Mission Statement

Empowering Excellence, On and Off the Greens

Our mission is to foster a culture of excellence, camaraderie, and personal growth within the high school golf program. Through dedication, sportsmanship, and unwavering determination, we aim to cultivate well-rounded student-athletes who excel both on and off the golf course.

Core Values:

  1. Excellence: We strive for nothing less than our personal best in every aspect of the game. Through rigorous practice, focused training, and continuous improvement, we aim to achieve excellence in our golfing skills.

  2. Sportsmanship: Respect, integrity, and fairness are the cornerstones of our team. We treat opponents, teammates, coaches, and officials with dignity and honor, understanding that true success is measured not only by our scores, but by the way we conduct ourselves.

  3. Teamwork: Together, we are stronger. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment where each member contributes to the collective success of the team. We value communication, cooperation, and the bonds that form through shared experiences.

  4. Personal Growth: Beyond the golf course, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded individuals. We encourage academic achievement, leadership development, and community involvement. We believe that success in golf is a reflection of success in life.

  5. Resilience: In the face of challenges, we stand tall. We understand that setbacks are opportunities for growth. Through perseverance and a positive mindset, we overcome obstacles, emerging stronger and more determined than before.

  6. Legacy: We honor the tradition of those who came before us and strive to leave a legacy for those who will follow. We take pride in representing our school, community, and ourselves with dignity, respect, and a commitment to excellence.